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Roselle Pineda

Assistant Professor

Community Arts, Performance and Curation, Contemporary Performance, Festival Studies


Roselle Pineda is a curator, dramaturge, educator, scholar, community worker, and artist-activist. She teaches at the University of the Philippines and is the founder and artistic director of the community-based art organisation Aurora Artist Residency Program and Space (AARPS) and the network of performance curators Performance Curators Initiatives (PCI).

Her most recent works include, the festival curatorship of the yearly Adow ne Domaget (Dumagat Day) festival in Dingalan, Aurora since 2018 up to the present, and the curatorial and archival project DOCULEKTIV in collaboration with the AARPS Collective.

She is currently taking her PhD in Creative Arts at the University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia with a study focusing on festival curation in indigenous communities in the Philippines.



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