College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Reginald Dominic Robles Cruz
Dialectology, Linguistics, and Sociolinguistics

Reginald Cruz is a 52-year-old BSE Communication Arts (English) graduate of UP Diliman. He graduated Cum Laude and received the Dean’s medal for Academic Excellence from the College of Education during UP’s 108th Commencement Exercises held in June 2019. He graduated at the age of 49 after 26 years of being absent from the academe.
Regi, as he is fondly called, was called to a religious vocation at a young age. His previous experiences in the seminary in the Philippines, and later on as a monk in Italy, exposed him to Latin, Spanish, and Italian, which cultivated his passion and enthusiasm for languages, not only for foreign languages but also for Philippine languages. Regi is an advocate of the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Program, the Alternative Learning System (ALS), and conative development. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Reading Education at the College of Education at UP Diliman.

Feature article:
Cruz, Reginald Dominic. “The child with two navels.” Philippines-Italy: Rising Together (1947-2022). GA Printing, 2023: pp. 110-111.