College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Raymond Falgui
Assistant Professor
Intersection between Religion and American Literature; Genre Writing (Fantasy & Horror)

Selected publications:
Monster Rescue. Quezon City, Lampara Publishing House, 2022.
“Smartphone Arguments.” Philippines Graphic, 18 March 2019, pp. 38-41.
“Ghost Voters.” Philippines Graphic, 12 March 2018, pp. 38-42.
“The Hunger Houses.” Trash: A Southeast Asian Urban Anthology, Ed. Dean Francis Alfar and Marc de Faoite, Fixi Novo (Malaysia), 2016, pp. 23-30.
“Torturer’s Truth.” Santelmo: Liwanag Sa Dilim Issue 2, San Anselmo Publications, Inc. (Quezon City), 2021.
“Have A Good One.” Wanderers: Poems From Those Who Cross Borders, Ed. Marion Lougheed, Off-Topic Publishing (Canada), 2021. pp. 2-3.
Scholarly Articles
“An Analysis of Alma-Anonas Carpio's Azucena as Revenge Narrative." Himaya Book Anthology (National Commission for Culture and the Arts - National Committee on Literary Arts), 2022, pp. 296-305.