College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Maria Lorena Santos, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Literature and gender, Philippine engagements with Anglo-American texts, Jane Austen spinoffs and fan fiction, popular romance studies, the history and politics of the English language

Selected publications:
Book chapters/journal articles/journal reviews:
“Crusoe Comes to Caramoan: The Survival of American Cultural Imperialism in the Philippines.” Robinson Crusoe in Asia. Eds. Steve Clark and Yukari Yoshihara. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. Pp. 281-300. Book Chapter.
“Guattarian Confluences in Sari Saysay’s Mga Aninipot sa Tahaw Kan Salog (Fireflies at the Center of the River).” Journal of Southeast Asian Ecocriticism. Vol. 1.1 (August 2021): 60-73). Journal article.
“Translating Gender and Culture in Online Incarnations of Jane Austen.” Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature 16 (March 2017): 126-141. Journal Article - Scholarship/criticism.
“A Truth Universally Acknowledged?: Rewritings of Jane Austen’s Marriage Plot.” Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature 14 (March 2014). Journal article - Scholarship/criticism.
“Western Texts and New Worlds: Politics of Identity in a Philippine Fan Community.” Philippine Humanities Review 15 (2013): 51-67. Journal article - Scholarship/criticism.
“World War T?: Max Brooks’ Zombies and the American War on Terror.” American Studies Association of the Philippines (ASAP) Journal 2.1 (2012): 55-58. Journal article - Review.
Creative work:
“Austen Passports: Philippines.” Jane Austen Society of Australia’s Chronicle. Edited by Ruth Williams. June 2022. page. 2. Essay.
Eat Your Garden. Published by, 2021. Children’s book (in Bikol, Filipino, and English). Children’s picture book (poetry).
Elias and the Bikol River. 2nd ed. Published by, September 10, 2020. Children’s picture book (in Bikol, Filipino, and English).
Si Elias asin an Salog Naga (Elias and the Naga River), a book in Bikol and English, published by Ina Nin Bicol Foundation, 2017. Children’s picture book.
Co-author (with Paz Verdades Santos), Something Rich and Strange: 21st- Century World Literature. Quezon City: LJ Graphics and Literacy Exponent, 2019. K-12 textbook.
Co-author (with Marikit Uychoco), Purposive Communication: Communication for Society. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, 2018. Textbook for tertiary level.