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Mark Louie L. Lugue


Modern art history, cultural heritage studies, digital as method


Mr. Lugue is an instructor at the Department of Art Studies in the College of Arts and Letters of the University of the Philippines Diliman. I recently completed my graduate degree in art history, where I wrote a thesis that aimed at uncovering untapped narratives on practices of abstraction in painting in the country. I argue that foregrounding these practices' intimations with modernity and its multilayered definitions is a means to elaborate on the concept of the 'continuing modern.' Drawing from my undergraduate degree in information technology and my past industry experience as a management consultant for communications, media, and technology corporations, I am likewise keen on deepening the critical discourse on the role of the digital in humanities research, specifically in art history and visual and cultural studies. As part of my extension service, I conduct heritage mapping, art and object handling, and exhibition making workshops and seminars across the regions.



Lugue, Mark Louie L. "Painting a 'Continuing Modern': Exploring Practices of Abstraction within Modernity during the 1970s in the Philippines." 2022. University of the Philippines Diliman. MA thesis.

Lugue, Mark Louie L. "Shrouded by Darkness: Obscurity as Nexus, Retrospective as Apparatus.” In Writing Presently. Philippine Contemporary Art Network and Jorge B. Vargas Museum and Filipiniana Research Center, 2019.

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