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Miguel Blázquez-Carretero, Ph.D.

Assistant Professorial Fellow

Applied Linguistics & Second Language Acquisition, ​​Education Policy, Materials Development


Miguel Blázquez Carretero is Associate Professor and Spanish Section Coordinator of the Department of European Languages of the University of the Philippines Diliman. He holds a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the UNED (Madrid, Spain) and a master’s degree in applied Linguistics in Second Language Teaching from the University of Oxford (Oxford, UK). He has been a DepEd consultant for Spanish curriculum development since 2017 and has assumed a similar role for TESDA since 2022. He is a co-founder of the Jornadas de ELE Manila, president of AFELE, and a lifetime board member of the literary prize Rafael Palma, which awards Filipino literature in Spanish. He is the author of several scientific articles published in internationally renowned journals such as Language Learning & Technology, Applied Linguistics, CALL-EJ, or ReCALL.


Journal articles:
Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel. “Building a pedagogic spellchecker for L2 learners of Spanish.” ReCALL, vol. 35, nº3, 2023, pp. 321-338. SJR Q1

Melchor, Jillian Loise, and Miguel Blázquez-Carretero. “Zamboanga Chavacano: From español de cocina to un poquito español. A postcolonial inquiry into creole language preservation.” Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, vol. 37, nº 1, 2022, pp. 72-113. SJR Q2

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel, and Robert Woore. “Can a ‘pedagogical’spellchecker improve spelling accuracy in L2 Spanish?” Language Learning & Technology, vol. 25, nº 2, 2021, pp. 135-157. SJR Q1

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel. “El español en la educación obligatoria filipina.” Boletín ASELE, vol. 64, 2021, pp. 17-20.

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel. “A review of Javier Muñoz-Basols, Elisa Gironzetti, and Manel Lacorte, (eds): The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching”. Applied Linguistics, 2020, amaa026. SJR Q1

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel. “Using bigrams to detect written errors made by learners of Spanish as a foreign language.” CALLEJ, vol. 20, 2019, pp. 55-69. SJR Q1

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel, and Catherine Fan. “The efficacy of spell check packages specifically designed for second language learners of Spanish.” Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities (JSSH), vol. 27, nº 2, 2019, pp. 847-863. SJR Q3

Book chapters:
Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel. “Desarrollo de un repositorio en línea de materiales gratuitos de español como lengua extranjera para el profesorado filipino de la secundaria pública” Dykinson S.L., forthcoming.

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel and Jillian L. Melchor. “Divining the indio's tongue: missionary language learning in early colonial Philippines”. In the Spanish world, but not quite of it: prismatic views of the Philippines from its early history to the late 18th century. Edited by Maria Serena Diokno, University of the Philippines Press, forthcoming.

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel, M. Luisa Young, and Anna M. Sibayan-Sarmiento. “Enseñar español en Filipinas: De idioma oficial a lengua extranjera” Atlas del ELE. Geolingüística de la enseñanza del español en el mundo. Volumen II. Asia. Edited by María Galindo and María Méndez Santos, Enclave-ele, 2023, pp 149-182.

Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel. “Is it worth correcting L2 learners' written work?” El poder de la comunicación: periodismo, educación y feminismo. Edited by M. García Orta and R. Martín Santos, Dykinson S.L., 2022, pp. 829-862.

Research projects:
Coordinator of the project “A context-sensitive, open-access digital textbook of Spanish as a foreign language for DepEd Filipino teachers and learners” funded by UP System, the DepEd, AECID, the Ministry of Education of Spain (MEFP), the Instituto Cervantes, and the University of Seville.

Blázquez Carretero, Miguel. Elefilipinas.Org, 2021,
An open-access digital repository of various ELE learning resources based on the CEFR and adapted to the DepEd SPFL curriculum. In 2022 it was officially approved as supplementary material for the DepEd SPFL Spanish classes.

Lead researcher of the project “La influencia hispánica en el vocabulario filipino: orígenes y evolución de las connotaciones semánticas.” Sponsored by the Spanish Embassy in Manila and the Academia Filipina de la Lengua Española and awarded by the prestigious grant HISPANEX of the Ministry of Culture of Spain in 2019.

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