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Lily Rose Tope, Ph.D.

Professorial Lecturer

Southeast Asian literature in English, Asian literature in translation, Philippine-Chinese literature, Ecocriticism



Selected publications:

“Language, Policy, Publishing and Book History in Southeast Asia” in The Novel in South and Southeast Asia since 1945. Edited by Alex Tickell. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, 365-379.

“Nature and Cultural History in Nick Joaquin’s Dona Jeronima,” UNITAS, Vol.91, no.2, 2018, 132-147.

“Transgressive Sex, Transgressing Nation,” Transgression/Transformations: Literature and Beyond. Brigitte Johanna Glaser and Wolfgang Zach (eds). Studies in English and Comparative Literature. Germany: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2018. 183-196.

“Reclaiming Southeast Asia: cultural engagements in the Philippine tertiary classroom.” In Literature Education in the Asia –Pacific. Policies, Practices and Perspectives in Global Times. Edited by Chin Ee Loh, Suzannne Choo and Catherine Beavis. London/New York: Routledge, 2018. 167-180.

“Women and the Authoritarian State: The Southeast Asian Experience,” in The Southeast Asian Woman Writes Back. Gender, Identity and Nation in the Literatures of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. Edited by Grace Chin and Kathrina Mohd Daud. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2018. 71-88.

“Glocalising Cultural Desire: Texts on the Overseas Filipina Worker (OFW).” KEMANUSIAAN Vol 23, Supp 2, 2016, 119-136.

(Un)Framing Southeast Asia: Nationalism and the Post Colonial Text in English in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. Quezon City: Office of Research Coordination, University of the Philippines, 1998.

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