College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Kristine Cabling
Assistant Professor
Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Studies

Asst. Prof. Kristine Cabling finished BA European Languages with a specialization in Italian from the Department of European Languages and obtained her MA Education (Curriculum Studies) from the College of Education. She is presently in pursuit of a PhD, with a focus on the linguistic repertoire and pragmatic competence of OFWs in Italy. She teaches basic language courses, oral communication, text engagement, composition and academic writing, and research methods in Italian. In her spare time, she plays video games or watches jdramas and kdramas.

Journal article:
Cabling, Kristine, et al. Foreign language policy and pedagogy in the Philippines: Potentials for a decolonial approach. Social Transformations Journal of the Global South, vol. 8, no. 2, 2020, pp. 185-226.
Policy brief:
Cruz, Frances Antoinette, et al. ""Policy outlooks for translation and related language policies in the Philippines (UP CIDS Policy Brief 2020-02)"". UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies, 2020.
Feature article:
Bautista, Naidyl Isis, Kristine Cabling, Danica Anna Guban-Caisido, & Elizabeth Marie Lavadia. “The University of the Philippines and its role in the promotion of the Italian language.” Philippines-Italy: Rising Together (1947-2022). GA Printing, 2023: pp. 68-72.