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Jeff Roxas

Assistant Professor

Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, Language and Gender, Women´s and Queer Studies, Sociolinguistics


Jeff Roxas is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the Department of European Languages. Foreign language teaching has since fascinated him that it became a career for over five years. He speaks four languages. Tagalog is his mother tongue; English is his second language, a field he studied during college, and the language he taught in Spain; Spanish and French are his foreign languages. He holds Spanish very dearly as it is sweet, expressive, and loving, which eventually allows him to be those three adjectives, too.
He lived in Spain for three years. There, he worked as an English language assistant teaching bilingual subjects and sharing Filipino cultures and identities to Spanish students. Moreover, he graduated with a Master’s degree in Bilingual and Multicultural Education at Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain from which he learned how to teach in multicultural contexts. Currently, he studies Women and Development in UP Diliman. This is another field close to his heart, now a greater-than-self vision. Because of seemingly different fields – language education and gender studies, his areas of interest lie at the intersection of Language and Gender, Women´s and Queer Studies, Sociolinguistics, and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language.
He likes to see language classrooms not just instructional but ideological sites where we promote wider social discourses on cultures, gender, and identities.


Recent publications and/or research projects:

Journal article:
Roxas, Jeff B. “Investigating the Status of English as a Lingua Franca in Southeast Asia: Intelligibility and Comprehensibility of ASEAN Englishes among Filipino College Students.” Philippine Journal of Linguistics, vol. 49, 31 Dec. 2018, pp. 1–25.

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