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Aileen Salonga, Ph.D.


Discourse, affect, and agency studies, language and gender research, politics of Englishes



Selected publications:

Salonga, Aileen O. “Empowerment Narratives and Sticky Affects: The Workings of Affective Capitalism in Philippine Call Centers.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language 276, 117-143, 2022.

Tarrayo, Veronico and Salonga, Aileen O. “Queering English Language Teaching: Insights from Teachers in a Philippine State University.” Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 2022.

Tupas, Ruanni and Salonga, Aileen O. “Unequal Englishes in the Philippines.” Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20, 3, 2016, 367-381.

Salonga, Aileen O. “We Serve the World: Everyday Nationalism and English in the Philippine Offshore Call Centers.” Borders in Service: Enactments of Nationhood in Transnational Call Centers, edited by Kiran Mirchandani and Winifred R. Poster, University of Toronto Press, 2016, 121-151.

Salonga, Aileen O. “Performing Gayness and English in an Offshore Call Center Industry.” Unequal Englishes: The Politics of Englishes Today, edited by Ruanni Tupas, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2015, 130-144.

Salonga, Aileen O. “THE PERFECT WOMAN: Gendered texts and high technology in the Philippines.” (Re)making society: the politics of language, discourse, and identity in the Philippines edited by Ruanni Tupas, University of the Philippines Press, 2007.

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